The Challenge. YE Sages that pretend In Science to Transcend The dull illit'rate Crowd, You that of Ignorance impeach, (Ere your Pretences be allow'd) Define that Prudence which you Teach; I fear 'tis much above your Learning's Reach. Prudence has no fixt Being, but depends On Person, Time, and Chance, And every petty Circumstance: Actions directed to the Self-same ends, May prudent th' one, the other peccant be; For what would prove Discreet in Thee Perhaps were wild Extravagance in Me. The Ants are Wise, that from their Summer Hoard Supply their Winter Board; And doubtless full as wise as They The Grashoppers that Play And Revell all their Harvest Days away; For 'twere in Them a Sensless Drudgery To Toil for a Supply In Winter's Dearth, that must ere Winter, Die.