The Confinement. OFt had I form'd Ideas of Content, But by Experience knew not what it meant. At length I strove to Counter-plot my Stars, And free my Soul by Stratagem from Cares. In a cool Jess'mine shade my Lute I strung, Where with divertive Aires I play'd and Sung; The grateful Sounds compos'd my Cares to sleep, Which o're me now no Watch appear'd to keep. Thrice blest (said I) this long expected Hour, That frees me from my cruel Goalers Pow'r. I fled; but soon was by my jealous Guard Pursu'd, o're-tane, and laid again in Ward. Yet ev'n this Disappointment I cou'd bear, Had Fate set bounds to my Misfortunes Here; But since my Attempt t'escape I suffer more, Than in my Hardest Bondage heretofore! Like a Designing Captive now I'm us'd, A Pris'ners Common Curtesies refus'd; Prest with more Chains, aw'd by a stricter Guard, From Sleep (the vilest Slaves Relief) debarr'd.