The Banquet. DIspatch, and to the Myrtle Grove convey What-ever with the natural Pallat suits, The Dayries Store with Sallads, Roots & Fruits; I mean to play the Epicure to Day! Let nought be wanting to compleat Our Bloodless Treat; But Bloodless let it be, for I've Decreed The Grape Alone for this Repast shall Bleed. Sit worthy Friends — But ere we Feed, Let Love b'expell'd the Company; Let no mans Mirth Here interrupted be With Thought of any Scornful Little She! Fall too my Friends. Trust me the Cheer is good! Ah! (if our Bliss we Understood) How shou'd we Bless th' Indulgent Fates! Indulgent Fates, that with Content have stor'd Our Rural Board, A Rarity nere sound amongst the Cates Of most Voluptuous Potentates.