ODE. To my Ingenious Friend Mr. Flatman. AS when the fam'd Artificer of Greece, With wondrous Art but ill Success Contriv'd his own and Captiv'd Son's Escape. By Wings which He with inspir'd Craft did shape, He taught the Youth how safely He might Glide, And keep a Mean betwixt the Sun and Tide; So you (Learn'd Friend) with equal Art To me the Wings of poesie impart, Besore me through the spacious Sphaere A steddy Course you Steer, There You securely Wonders act And th' Eyes of All Attract, Whilst I Unfortunate, Like Icarus Die, but with less glorious Fate! He Soaring fell, I flag Below, Where with damp Wings disabled to pursue I yield me Lost, and plunging down In deep oblivion Drown.