Dialogue. Alexis and Laura. Laur. Alexis. — Alex. Dear! Laur. Take — Alex. What? Laur. A Kiss. Alex. What means this Unexpected Bliss, A Bliss which I so oft in Vain Have crav'd, and now unaskt obtain? Laur. When to my Swain reserv'd I seem'd, I Lov'd him, Kist him Less esteem'd! Alex. Dear Nymph, your Female Arts forbear, Nor fondly thus new Ginns prepare For one already caught i'th'snare. You may impose a heavier Chain, But none that surer will retain. 'Tis Laura, an unjust design To Treat so Plain a Soul as mine With Oracles; with mystick sense Religion may perhaps dispense, But these Aenigmas mar Love's Joy, As Clouds Gems in their worth destroy. Laur. Then take it on your Peril Swain, (Since you compel me to be plain) The Kiss I gave you was in lieu Of all Love-debts from Laura due, To Swain Alexis, since the Hour Of our first Entrance on Amour. Alex. What Crimes can I have wrought t'enforce This suddain and severe Divorce? 'Tis, sure, impossible such Guilt Should press my Soul and not be felt. Laur. Recall false Shepheard what to day I heard you to Dorinda say. You said she did Noons Light out-shine, More than the Paphian Queen Divine. You vow'd respect to her Commands, And (Heav'n Forgive you) Kist her Hands. Alex. You wrong me Nymph, by Pan you do; For if that Courtship you review, You'l find 'twas Complement to you. Laur. Yes, I was Sov'rainly respected By Pray'rs t' Another Saint directed. Alex. Dorindas Graces, 'tis well known, Bear such Resemblance with your own, That when I made my late Address, 'Twas in that gentle Shepherdess The sweetness of those Charms to tast, Which so divinely Laura grac't. Laur. Weak Nymphs with Men contend in Vain, Who thus can their Defaults maintain. Wise Nature has her care exprest, That neither Sex shou'd be Opprest; For when to Us she did commit Tyrannick Beauty, she thought fit To Teach Men Wit and Arts t' Allay And Temper Beauties Absolute Sway.