RIDDLE. By the Same. MY size is large, my shape's uncouth, I have neither limb nor feature; Mens hands have form'd my skin so smooth: My guts were made by nature. Nor male nor female is my sex, You'll scarce believe my troth; For when I've told you all my tricks You'll swear 't must needs be both. For oft my master lies with me, His wife I oft enjoy; Yet's she's no whore, no cuckold he, And true to both am I. My cloaths nor women fit, nor men, They're neither coat nor gown; Yet oft both men and maidens, when They're naked, have them on. When I'm upon my legs, I lie, Yet legs in truth I've none; And never am I seen so high To rise as when I'm down. What's oft my belly, is oft my back, And what my feet, my head; And though I'm up, I have a knack Of being still a-bed.