Thomson, James, 1700-1748. The prospect: being the fifth part of Liberty. A poem. By Mr. Thomson. London: printed for A. Millar, over-against St. Clement’s Church in the Strand, M.DCC.XXXVI., 1736. 38,[2]p.; 4⁰. (ESTC T46011; Foxon T198; OTA K043527.000)


    By Mr. THOMSON.

    LONDON: Printed for A. MILLAR, over-against St. Clement's Church in the Strand. M.DCC.XXXVI. (Price One Shilling.)


    AUthor addresses the GODDESS of LIBERTY, marking the Happiness and Grandeur of GREAT-BRITAIN, as arising from HER Influence; to Ver. 88. SHE resumes HER Discourse, and points out the chief VIRTUES which are necessary to maintain HER ESTABLISHMENT there; to Ver. 374. Recommends, as IT'S last Ornament and Finishing, SCIENCES, FINE ARTS, and PUBLIC WORKS. The Encouragement of These urged from the Example of France, tho' under a Despotic Government; to Ver. 549. The Whole concludes with a PROSPECT of future Times, given by the GODDESS of LIBERTY: this described by the Author, as it passes in VISION before him.

  • THE END.
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